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APC System

Hot Set Test Oven


Hot set oven is specifically designed for cable, insulation Testing Laboratories. It will help the operator in testing without human error by avoiding any downtime or malfunctions.

Hot set oven is made for hot set testing of cable material according to IEC 60811-507 and technically equivalent standards. It is built on a heating cabinet with window in the door. The inner chamber of stainless steel is equipped with illumination. Measurements are made through the window with a laser pointer that is mounted on a measuring scale placed on the door.


  1. Temperature Range: ambient to 250 º C.
  2. Best in class for cable lab applications.
  3. Forced Air circulating system with fan for better uniformity of Temperature.


  • Cable testing Laborite.
  • Insulation testing Laborite.
  • Transformer / Motor / generator industries.
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